Features for Suppliers

Collaborate more, build stronger customers

Set the stage for long-term revenue growth

Your sales teams are integral to your future success – help them, help you. Using a powerful set of sales enablement features, you can connect with more builders, close more accounts, and plan ahead to sell more effectively.

A stylised look at the client screen in Buildxact for suppliers

Provide meaningful customer service

Enable sales teams to build personalised relationships across a wider number of customers using automated communication and collaboration tools. 

  • Collaborate at scale with your builders. Buildxact’s ‘self-service’ price files enable customers to build their own quotes – freeing your team from repetitive emails and phone calls. Gives time back for growing new customer relationships. 
  • Automated systems help turn transactional relationships into meaningful connections throughout a builder’s entire project.  
  • Easily communicate with all your builders about specials and promotions. Target pricing to individual customers using tiered pricing. 

Offer pricing whenever builders need it

Integrated price lists and item recipes win loyal customers. The online pricing puts information directly in your customers’ hands – making it easy for them to buy and move on to more collaborative conversations with your team. 

  • Gain greater share of wallet and customer loyalty, by integrating your price lists and item recipes into builders’ workflows. 
  • Cut the time spent on quoting via back-and-forth calls and emails to streamline internal workflows and reduce transactional costs. 
  • Succeed together as builders quote faster, win more work and give you more sales.  
A stylised look at the catalogue screen for suppliers in Buildxact
A stylised look at supplier catalogues in Buildxact

Ease purchasing with ERP and POS systems

Easily manage price plans set to public or managed access using customer tiers and different pricing categories.

  • Minimise price negotiations and improve margins on each quote by incorporating pricing into builder workflows.  
  • Create item recipes for areas of work to increase share of builder sales and reduce missed items – this helps builders organise around a single supplier instead of going to multiple suppliers for one project.  
  • Easily maintain and update price plans with ERP and POS integrations, including Epicor BisTrack. 

Stay ahead of the game

Custom home builders and suppliers need to have a synergistic relationship to be successful in the construction industry. Suppliers want to offer custom home builders the materials they need to complete high-quality projects quickly and efficiently. Builders rely on suppliers to provide those materials at prices that allow them to make a profit. Price volatility in the construction industry can be a pain point across the board. Still, technology can help keep all parties informed to avoid unwanted surprises and enough time to plan and make necessary adjustments. 

A simple monthly payment includes customer support, training and upgrades.

A builder on-site using Buildxact on their mobile phone

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