The 10 Must Have Procedures for your Trades & Construction Business

Hosted by Buildxact and PROTRADE United

Optimising structure to maximise your efficiency and profits!

In today’s rapidly evolving industry, staying ahead means not just keeping up with the latest technologies and regulations. It requires optimising your business operations to maximise efficiency, safety, and profitability.

This masterclass offers you a unique opportunity to discover the critical procedures that are often overlooked and are crucial for sustainable business growth. 

In this webinar you’ll learn:

  • The critical procedures required to free up your time and energy, ensuring quality work gets completed every time regardless of whether you are onsite:;
  • Identify missing systems and procedures that cost many businesses hundreds of thousands of dollars annually;
  • How to create and implement simple procedures that your team will engage with and use immediately;
  • Simple structures to position your business as a contractor of choice to stay ahead in a challenging marketplace.


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